35th International Austrian Winter Symposium
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin und Molekulare Bildgebung
Österreichische Schilddrüsengesellschaft
Thyroid function and Metabolism
The 35th International Austrian Winter Symposium organized by the OGNMB will take place from January 19 - 21 2022 in Bad Ischl, Austria.
The Austrian Thyroid Association together with the Thyroid Working Group of the OGNMB will host the scientific program for the topic Thyroid and Metapolism on January 21st.
Friday, January 21, 2022
14:00 – 15:30 Session 9 Plenary: Thyroid function & Metabolism
Chairs: S. Mirzaei & W. Buchinger
Thyroid and bone metabolism
P. Mikosch, Vienna, AT
Obesity and thyroid function
M. Krebs, Vienna, AT.
Bariatric surgery and thyroid function
G. Prager, Vienna, AT.
15:30 Closing Words
The full program and information can be found on the congress website OGNMB Congress 35th International Austrian Winter Symposium